Monday, May 13, 2013

Ch. 7 - Business Marketing     Lush Cosmetics does not partake in the sending component of business marketing, however their part as the recipient is extremely unique. Lush is a consumer of raw materials. Most of the ingredients used in their products are vegetables, fruits, and the little preservatives used in their products are found in nature. Lush Cosmetics takes a strong stance against animal testing and thus require all of the companies they purchase materials from don't test on animals and are ethically sourced. This has undoubtedly made strides in the cosmetics industry seeing as anyone wanting to do business with Lush has to stop testing their business products on animals and many companies would love to work with Lush seeing as some of their products' shelf life is only three weeks- meaning Lush Cosmetics would create more business than other cosmetic companies.

     Lush Cosmetics has run into some complications since the passing of the legislation entitled "REACH." As discussed in a previous blog post, the REACH legislation of Europe would force chemical companies to test their products on animals. Lush, obviously disturbed by this, released a video that explains its concerns with the legislation and how even though it is intended for good it would be extremely harmful to animals. Lush's relationship with the businesses that allow them to function, made Lush feel inclined to release a statement about the legislation in order to protect the companies they do business with. It's obvious that relationship marketing is not only applied in Lush's retail stores, but also in the meetings with the companies that provides their ingredients. It is also implied that their relationship with the companies Lush purchases their ingredients from is so strong that it has made them launch a political campaign against REACH.

     In addition to boycotting companies that test on animals, Lush also tries to get products from companies that practice fair trading. This has allowed them to create Lushie favorite products such as "Fairtrade Honey Shampoo." It is clear that Lush wishes to set a new standard for the cosmetic industry and is strategically targeting the companies that sell business materials first.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Ch. 8 - Segmenting and Targeting Markets     As discussed before in previous blog posts, Lush Cosmetics' target market consists of Generation Y, vegetarians/vegans, and animal rights activists. Usually a target market is considered before the actual creation of products and/or a product mix, however; co-founders Mark Constantine being a trichologist and Liz Weir being a beauty therapist prior to the creation of Lush leads me to believe that the target market came second. Constantine and Weir were more interested in making fresh products free of animal testing because they truly believed that it was morally right. These beliefs are reflected in the Lush Cosmetics company and thus the company was spontaneously segmented in the market. True, one could lump Lush into the market segment of "cosmetics," however their bold stance against animal testing and little use of synthetics in their products undoubtedly separates Lush into its own market segment.
      Lush Cosmetics' products are not discriminatory, thus they are not apart of a ethnic segmentation. Many cosmetic companies try to aim their products towards specific ethnicities. For example a shampoo company will claim that one product will be better for "black hair" and another might be better for "white hair." Lush's hair  products are made specifically to target "problematic hair" such as; dry scalp, frizzy hair, etc. These products are to suit an individual's needs for their hair- not the needs for an entire ethnic group. Another example of Lush not playing into the ethnic segmentation found especially in cosmetic companies is Lush's Emotional Brilliance makeup line. Emotional Brilliance is Lush's first makeup line and the campaigning for it was rather unusual. The idea of the product was for consumers to not choose makeup that they think will make them look "good," but instead to choose colors that reflect their personality or mood for the day. This product concept is completely unbiased (they even marketed it towards men). This idea sort of turned the simple mascara, lipstick, and skin tints for beauty into more of a warpaint for expressive purposes.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Ch. 11 - Developing and Managing Products

     What may have been considered a new product for Lush was not very new at all. "Gorgeous," facial lotion sold by Lush Cosmetics was actually the result of the innovation of a product already known to the world (lotion). This new innovated lotion was the result of the product modification of a product already made. According to the highly educated sales associates I have talked to, Gorgeous was the result of the modification of the facial lotion used by Princess Diana. The formula of the lotion the Princess had used was actually messed with and had apparently irritated her skin. Lush having relations with Princess Diana's business had recreated it with less synthetics and Lush's own orange blossom scent. The product concept was to make a lotion that was good enough for royalty. This elevated the original lotion's product performance and value to new heights. This "fairytale" like story itself is extremely marketable. This story is what allows Lush to carry it as their highest priced item of $89.95. Lush managed this product by having their sales associates inform consumers about this product in store. This has proven to be highly profitable.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Ch. 16 - Promotional Planning for a Competitive Advantage

     Lush Cosmetics' promotional strategy is to highlight their competitive advantage through the use of promotion techniques such as mass communication and especially interpersonal communication. Lush Cosmetics' competitive edge is their high quality skin products which are all vegetarian, some vegan, and mostly organic, as well as completely free of animal testing. Lush's target market of Generation-Y, vegetarians/vegans, and animal rights activists will therefore prefer this Lush's brand rather than others and eventually become loyal to the brand. Lush Cosmetics will use various channels or mediums to communicate their competitive advantage to their target consumers. Arguably one of the most important form of communication for Lush is interpersonal communication. Lush, fitting the "specialty store" definition, trains their sales associates to be extremely knowledgeable of all the products and product lines sold in the store. The sales associates also are hired based on personality rather than experience, thus they are notably sociable and friendly. Lush Cosmetics is so selective of their staff and train them very well because they rely on their sales associates to communicate with potential customers the message of their competitive edge; their products are organic, vegetarian, vegan, etc., in the most personal way possible so that they convince the potential buyer to buy.
     As discussed in a previous post, Lush Cosmetics has various social media accounts which they use in order to communicate with consumers. This is a form of mass communication in which the sender; Lush Cosmetics, encodes their message of animal testing free products through a channel; Facebook, Instagram, etc. to the receivers; the people who like/follow their social media pages to decode and interpret. Lush skillfully crafts these advertisements to be simple enough for a majority of potential buyers to interpret them. For example, they use a small black and white bunny that says animal testing on it which is evocative of the message that they don't test their products on animals.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Ch. 10 - Product Concepts


Lush Cosmetic's Brand Name
     Lush Cosmetics is a highly successful brand. Lush existed before 1995 under many different incarnations, however in 1995, when the company now known as "Lush" was dissatisfied with its current brand name, "Cosmetic House," they held a competition for their customers to submit potential titles for their brand name. The selected title was obviously "Lush." This event not only eternalized the famous brand name, it also signified the overall branding of the company (the edge that differentiates them from the competitors), their outstanding customer service/relationship selling  which stems from the company's concept of relationship marketing. The brand name being decided by a customer shows Lush Cosmetic's regard and value for their customers, which is what Lush's brand is all about. It is because of Lush's branding that many Lush customers develop a sense of brand loyalty. These Lush fanatics, also known as "Lushies," will consistently choose Lush Cosmetic products over competitor's. This is undoubtedly because Lush's entire brand is dedicated to their customers. Lush's branding is also dedicated to the advocacy for animals rights as well as other humanitarian issues. This brand also creates brand loyalty to their target market that consists of animal activists, vegetarians, and vegans.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Chapter 18 - Sales Promotion and Personal Selling

     Lush, lacking a marketing team, is still effective in the field of sales promotion. As mentioned in a previous post, Lush has multiple social media accounts for the use of communicating to their loyal customers as well as potential customers. At the end of seasons, Lush will have a huge sale that's usually "buy-one-get-one-free" to sell the out of season products. Lush will conduct consumer sales promotions 2-3 weeks before the actual sale. Lush will use several of their social media profiles to inform the consumers that subscribe to their profiles about the huge sale. They will make statuses as well as release small picture advertisements. Lush, as always, also relies on word-of-mouth advertising because of their huge dedicated fan base (gained from their combination of relationship marketing, advocacy advertising, and code of ethics).
Cosmetic Warrior Sample
      Another form of sales promotion Lush practices is sampling. Lush Cosmetics practically throws samples at customers. They will allow you to sample almost all of their products in the store itself or they will even wrap up a small sample for the consumer to take home and try at their own convenience. Lush even goes as far as giving interested consumers facial treatments as well as other demos. I myself have sampled many products before I actually purchased them at Lush. This is a smart sales promotion strategy, especially for Lush Cosmetics, because Lush carries some very strange product lines such as their solid shampoos, toothy tabs, etc. Some consumers might not be willing to buy a product that's different from the norm because of the fear of something new and the possibility of not liking it. Sampling allows the consumers to see which products they like and then have no doubts about purchasing it.
Potential Buyers Getting Free Facial and Foot Treatments

Monday, April 1, 2013

Ch. 17 - Advertising and Public Relations

One of Lush's many Facebook Pages

 Using the Internet as a Medium for Advertising -

Lush's Instagram
     As stated in several posts, previous to this one, Lush Cosmetics lacks a marketing department. This would undoubtedly stunt the growth and success of other companies, however Lush continues to prosper. Lush relies heavily on their faithful customers (who are gained through the use of relationship marketing) to spread word of Lush to their friends, family, and/or marketing class. Initially, I believed this was the only advertising Lush Cosmetics did, however Chapter 17 - "Advertising and Public Relations" proves the contrary. Lush does not produce commercials or create ads to be run in popular magazines, however the company does use the internet as a medium for the use of advertisement. Lush has several Facebook pages as well as profiles on Instagram. Despite the not having a marketing department, it makes sense for Lush to take part in social media websites seeing as it lets them stay in contact with their loyal customers which helps enhance the relationship they already have. It also will draw the attention of the loyal customers' Facebook friends and Instagram followers which can lead to potential new customers. This is similar to the real life "word of mouth" advertising that Lush relies on. It is through the use of social media that Lush Cosmetics can relate information on new products as well as their latest charitable endeavors and efforts towards social reform.
Advocacy Advertising -
     Unlike many companies whom solely support social issues and express their views on controversial matters to mitigate negative criticism and backlash, Lush genuinely wishes to change business practices for the better and supports political and social causes that they are passionate about. For instance, a legislation has been passed in Europe created by REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals). The legislation may be a noble effort to protect people from the 30,000 chemicals that are on the market, however its noble intentions are quickly negated due to the mandatory animal testing that comes with the legislation. Lush created a video and posted it to YouTube in response to the REACH legislation. It expresses it's concerns for the safety of animals and also appeals to Lush consumers to fight against the legislation by pointing out that their manufacturers may be forced to test on animals. This could lead to Lush removing certain chemicals from their products or forcing them abandon their cruelty free policy; both of which could potentially cripple Lush Cosmetics. Of course Lush's political involvement to revise this legislation helps them in the obvious sense (it helps prevents them from testing on animals), it also helps bring in customers. Consumers who are also in favor of Lush's political standpoint are more likely to become customers, thus all of their many advocacy efforts helps bring in profit.
Lush's REACH retaliation.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Ch. 15 - Retailing


Lush Cosmetics Store

529 Broadway, New York, NY 


     The Experience: I recently visited to the Lush store location in SoHo, where I have visited many times and where I've spent most of my Christmas money. Going to Lush is like second nature to me, I have been there so frequently, I thought it'd be an odd experience having to take mental note of things that would be relevant to this week's blog post. As soon as I smelled the inviting scent, a scent that would excite every true "Lushie," I realized that Lush's store experience is so unique that almost everything is relevant to the post.
Maya, a sales associate, on the right.
     As I entered the luminous, vibrant store, I was immediately greeted by Maya, who knew my name, and welcomed me back. She then asked me if I had seen the season finale of "Girls," a show on HBO, which we had previously bonded over about a month ago. After discussing our disappointments with the finale, she asked me how school was going and asked me specifically about my marketing blog, another thing we discussed over a month ago. Afterwards, I asked her how the blog she was writing for her mass media class was going- not out of politeness, but out of genuine curiosity. She explained to me how her professor had suggested to the class for them to be intoxicated while writing their last blog post. This lead to a conversation about the weirdest teachers we've ever had; mine, a professor who had OCD and was a germaphobe and wouldn't tell anyone, hers was a teacher from high school who claimed to be a robot, talked to the ceiling, and called the women in the class "maaam."
     It had been 15 minutes before she actually asked me what I was looking for. I told her I was looking for a new face cleanser and as always they asked me to describe the problems with my skin which I completely feel comfortable doing by now. Maya then suggested the product "Angels on Bare Skin" which she thought best suited my skin problems. She told me every ingredient that would help my problem areas with my skin and proceeded to tell me why it was one of her favorite products. I was fully convinced and purchased it (and I'm completely satisfied).

     The Analysis: Lush Cosmetics is apart of a chain meaning every store is under the same ownership and is pretty much run the same. Lush focuses on relationship marketing which is why one of the sales associates knows my name, where I go to school, my interests and hobbies and vice versa. This makes the vibe for returning customers extremely relaxing and more willing to purchase new merchandise.They encourage their employees to spend as much time with one customer as possible, in some cases even a half an hour or more with the customer. When I first started shopping at Lush I was there for almost an hour because they showed me every line of products, what they did, and which were their personal favorites, as well as gave me some free samples in order to make sure I would be satisfied with my final purchase. Lush is a specialty store, which specializes in bath/skin-care, so their employees are very knowledgeable of all the products and thus make the customers feel completely reassured when they make their purchases.
     The atmosphere of Lush stores are very bright and inviting, which is congruent to the company's relationship marketing strategy. The employee type is not dictated by physical characteristics in Lush. A Lush staff is possibly one of the most diverse work environments. In a Lush based in Union Square, I've been helped by a transgender woman and in their SoHo location, I've also been helped by a man who enjoyed wearing lipstick and eyeliner. This is no stuffy, corporate work environment which helps every customer feel comfortable enough to disclose their skin problems in order to get the staff's sagely advice on which products to buy.
     Most of the fixtures in the store are wooden. I believe this helps reassure customers that they are buying organic products because of the mother nature feel to the store. Consistency in a company is makes customers feel as if they know the company better and are confident in what they buy.
     The music played in the store in typically Top 40, popular music. This helps bring in the Generation Y, since that generation is most likely to consume pop music. It also gives a modern feel to the store, which makes organic products feel more fun. Hearing people preach about the benefits of organic products and animal rights can become rather drab without an upbeat song playing in the background.
     Lastly, as mentioned in the beginning of my experience of visiting a Lush store, the odor of Lush's stores is one of its strongest elements. The aroma of a Lush store can be smelled from down the block, which also contributes to Lush's brand recognition. Studies have shown that odors can either stimulate or impede sales. When an agreeable odor is present in a store, shoppers are generally in a better mood and will shop for longer. Lush's signature odor of happiness, is a large contributor to the come company's success and customers being satisfied.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Ch. 6 - Consumer Decision Making

     Why do consumers choose Lush Cosmetics' products over others? This is simply because it so strongly appeals to the the consumers' process of buying a product. Need recognition is the first and one of the most important steps in the consumer decision-making process. Of course people of all cultures and social backgrounds will have different ideas of what a "need" is, however Lush Cosmetics' products are so universal it appeals to a large variety consumers. Unlike centuries ago when body odor was perceived as acceptable and the norm, many cultures today believe that it is something to be ashamed of and hide. In most cultures today, it is common for one to bathe frequently. In North America, cleanliness is taken to an extreme  most likely due to advertisers of the late 50's and early 60's using the "bandwagon appeal" to sell bath products. Some ads would tell teenage girls that they wouldn't be popular or get a second date without buying products like deodorant. It is because of the advertisers exploiting humans' desire to belong and fit in with society, that today people wash their body and hair everyday, despite it being scientifically proven that daily cleansing isn't as healthy as Westerners believe it to be. Since Lush Cosmetics' makes and sells bath products, it is automatically recognized as a need to consumers, especially those in North America. (Even though people by definition soap and other bath products aren't considered an actual need.)
     After identifying a product as a need (or want), a consumer then conducts an information search to fully understand the product and why they would buy it. Usually an internal search would come first. The consumer tries to remember all past experiences with the company, product, service, etc. or remember a friend or family member's review of such product or perhaps an online review of the product. These would be considered nonmarketing-controlled information sources (information source about a product that is not associated with the advertising or promotion of such product). It is because Lush Cosmetics does not have an advertising department, Lush depends on their loyal customers to spread the word to their friends, family, coworkers, etc. It is because of this that consumers make purchases at Lush because of their nonmarketing-controlled information sources telling them which products are "good."
     After gathering all of the information they have received about Lush and their products, the consumers must evaluate their alternatives. Due to the price range of Lush products, some consumers may choose to pass on their products, however it is because Lush's products are associated with organic, green marketing, and ethical treatment of animals that many consumers will pay the extra money for they know it is morally responsible to buy those products instead of cheaper ones that are tested on animals and cause environmental damage. Consumers are driven to purchase Lush Cosmetics' products because of culture and values. Lush is able to thrive due to the ever progressive environmentally conscious culture of today.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Ch. 5 - Developing a Global Vision

     Lush Cosmetics surely has a global vision seeing as the company takes full advantage of the different marketing opportunities for target markets in the 40 plus countries that it operates. This can be seen by the different products displayed on the homepages of each country's personalized Lush websites (as shown below). 
Different Lush Cosmetics websites for each country they operate in.
     On the Lush homepage for USA, a month prior to Mother's Day, their new Mother's Day products will be heavily featured on USA's particular website. This is because Lush Cosmetics obviously recognizes how commercialized holidays in the United States are and thus push certain products that relate to the holiday because Americans are more likely to buy these products at such time. On the Lush website designed specifically for Canada, they feature a massage bar named "Under the Covers" because of a show called "Undercover Boss Canada" where Brandi Halls, Director of Brand Communications, infiltrates and investigates the marketing practices of Lush Cosmetics. Lush notes that this show will attract a lot of attention to its stores in Canada and thus created a limited edition product that targets the viewers of the show. In the UK, Lush Cosmetics just opened two new spa locations in Edinburgh and Liverpool and features videos of spa treatments there. This obviously targets only the people in these specific locations which shows Lush Cosmetics is mindful of their global marketing techniques.
Lush Cosmetics' Solid Shampoos
     Lush Cosmetics has made great strides in their company to achieve global marketing standardization. There are select products that are sold only in certain countries, however many of their product lines are the same in all of the countries they operate in. One product line that remains unchanged in every country is the Solid Shampoo line. The Solid Shampoo, a Lush original invention, is a non-liquid shampoo that lathers and cleans like normal shampoo. Since it is a solid product, customers may take it on a plane when they can't take liquid products like normal shampoo. It is because of the versatility and informativeness of this product that it is able to survive in a worldwide market. Another product that must be recognized while discussing Lush Cosmetics' global marketing standardization, is their Dream Cream. Dream Cream is a lotion composed of oat milk, olive oil, and cocoa butter. It is Lush's number one product worldwide. This is undoubtedly because of the wide range of target marketers that would buy this product. It attracts the component lifestyles of vegetarians and vegans because of its vegan ingredients. It attracts people with eczema because it has been known to soothe it. Lastly, it attracts people with every skin type because it is gentle enough to be applied to even the most irritable skin. It is because of Lush's innovative products that Lush Cosmetics is able to sell a majority of their products worldwide. 

Dream Cream.
Our number one best seller

“When people ask me what my favourite product is I always  choose Dream Cream because it is effective for other people. And for me,  making something really good that people really appreciate…It’s what I  wanted to do most in the world. It’s got to be in the top 5 pieces of  work that I’ve ever done.” - Mark Constantine.

Invented  in 1996, Dream Cream has been our global best seller since its  launch. If we had to pick a “staple” Lush product, Dream Cream would be  it! A calming emulsion of oat milk, olive oil and cocoa butter.
For something that sounds so simple - why is it so loved?
Besides being incredibly soothing for dry or chapped skin thanks to  lavender, rose and chamomile blue oils, Dream Cream is gentle enough to  use on even the most sensitive skin types. Mild yet effective, Dream  Cream is for those who have been dreaming of problem-free skin!
Everyone  should have a pot of Dream Cream on hand this summer, for soothed  after-sun skin. Don’t just take our word for it though – spend some time  reading through the reviews for this wonderful product. If they don’t  convince you to try it, then nothing will.

“I have REALLY dry  skin, and I have struggled for a few years to find a product that will  help combat dry, scaly skin and eczema. After a lot of searching I tried  Dream Cream - problem solved! I use Dream Cream after a warm bath with  Ceridwen’s Cauldron. It’s creamy and sinks into the skin easily. It  soothes redness and irritation and clears up eczema with persistent  use!” - haleysuzanne
Lush Cosmetics' Dream Cream

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Ch. 4 - The Marketing Environment

     Lush Cosmetics has been known to serve women as well as men who seek organic body care products. Their target market consists of teenage and adult women from 14-30 years old. The price range and store locations indicates that their target market is one of medium to high income and comes from a highly populated urban setting. Lush effectively reaches their target marker. Lush's ethics and strives in the cosmetic as well as political worlds attract those with component lifestyles particularly overworked city types, vegans, vegetarians, activists, etc. Today's society, for the most part, seeks to seem as educated, politically correct, and politically aware as possible. A way of seeming like they are all of these things is by surrounding themselves with products that constantly remind them that they are what they seek to be. Certainly Lush's unique products backed with the company's ethics is widely sought by those wishing to piece together the increasingly popular component lifestyle of being "educated."
Lush Dirty range
     True, there target market is young and adult women, however their demography is extremely diverse. Lush does not care about their customer's religion, ethnicity, or gender. It is undoubtedly because of this that people of all races, religions, and genders shop there. For example, yesterday I walked into Lush with a friend who had never been there before. A friendly sales associate immediately gave her the store tour and described all of the different types of product lines they have. When explaining some products that seemed to lean towards a certain gender, she always assured both me and her that both products can be used for both men and women. She even declared that she particularly loves the men's line of products "Dirty." Even when she was showing the "Emotional Brilliance" makeup line to my female friend, she assured me, a male, that if I had interest in the product that there was no judgement. 
     When talking about Lush Cosmetics marketing environment, it is important to point out the fact that Lush does not have a marketing department and relies solely on word of mouth advertisement. Lush focuses on relationship marketing so that they have many regular customers for years. They rely on these customers to bring in their friends which can also contribute the diverse demography at Lush. The company doesn't do much advertisement so it relies on its target market to bring in its secondary target market: friends of the primary target market. This approach to their marketing environment may seem unpractical, however it is how Lush branched out from having one store in England to having hundreds of stores in over fifty countries.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Ch. 3 - Ethics & Social Responsibility

     Lush Cosmetics states on their website; “We know not everyone wants "politics in their bath water", but we feel privileged to be in a position where we have the resources to help those who work tirelessly and selflessly for equality, peace and justice for all. We hope that you will continue to support us as we support them." This leads me to believe that Lush Cosmetics practices the highest level of morality as described in "Chapter 3 - Ethics and Social Responsibility. Chapter 3 of MKTG credited to Lamb, Hair, and McDaniel, breaks down breaks moral development into three tiers; The first being precovential morality, a business practice that is almost childlike where companies make decisions based on how their company will immediately be punished or rewarded. The second tier is conventional morality. This level of morality is assigned to companies who only uphold a benevolent conduct in order to keep their following- basically, they practice good business ethics as a marketing strategy in order to not displease any customers. The third and highest level of moral development is postconventional morality which is a company that is less concerned about how customer's might perceive their acts of morality, but more concerned about how business decisions might affect the environment or others in the long run. I truly believe that Lush Cosmetics is a company of the highest degree of moral decency because of Lush's stance against animal testing, Lush's "naked" packaging, and Lush's product called Charity Pot.
The reenactment of the horrors of animal testing
performed in a Lush location.
      Lush Cosmetics' stance against the cruelty of animal testing and using animals for cosmetics is a clear indication that Lush upholds the highest level of morality: postconventional morality. Lush Cosmetics had adopted its non-animal testing policy before Lush even existed. The policy was put into effect under Lush's previous incarnation, "Cosmetic To Go," in 1991. The co-founders of Lush had spent their lives fighting against the monstrosity of animal cruelty and felt it natural to ban all animal testing in their company. The policy was put in place clearly for personal beliefs and not as a business tactic, which makes Lush Cosmetics incredibly noble. What emphasizes the theory that Lush Cosmetics is upholds its policy for ethical reasons rather than a marketing tactic is the fact that Lush Cosmetics would undoubtedly make a larger profit without its non-animal testing policy. Lush makes sure that all of the ingredients that make up their products don't come from companies that still test on animals because they refuse to support such companies or give them any money. If Lush were to buy ingredients from companies who test on animals, they would save money because it is cheaper to test on animals than humans. Another reason that Lush's non-animal testing policy is for purely ethical reasons and not publicity is that Lush limits by not using any animal fat in their merchandise. Animal fats and oils are used in many cosmetic products and are seen as necessities to other cosmetic companies, however  87% of Lush's products are vegan and 100% are vegetarian. Also, Lush in 2012 hired performance artist Jacqueline Traide, to reenact the horrors of animal testing in the window of their flagship store. Some may argue that this was a publicity stunt in order to attract customers, however I disagree. The performance is incredibly disturbing and definitely lacks sex appeal.            Many people would actually be too afraid to enter the store seeing this woman being tortured and all, however they did get the message which is simply what Lush Cosmetics wants. Lastly, because of Lush's stance against animal testing, Lush Cosmetics can't open store locations in certain countries because their laws require animal testing. If Lush was more concerned about money than their ethics, they would consider bending their policy for select countries that won't sell their products. Lush however, refuses to change because they truly believe animal testing is wrong. 
     Lush Cosmetics' packaging also is an indication that Lush Cosmetics that Lush has postconventional morality. Lush's ethics are reflective in the products themselves: solid shampoos, conditioners, and solids bath scrubs were purposely made in order to reduce packaging. In effort to reduce unnecessary packaging, Lush has accomplished making 40% of their products package free or "naked." This business decision is made on pure ethics because selling their products naked has discouraged buyers including myself from purchasing their merchandise before. As for the other 60% or their products, Lush encases them in plastic that is 100% recyclable. Of course Lush knows that even though recycling is widely available, a shocking amount of people still simply do not recycle, so they developed a marketing plan that helps encourage recycling: if a customer returns five empty black pots they get a free face mask. The fact that Lush gives away free products to reward those who practice the same ethics as they do really strengthens the theory of Lush Cosmetics upholding postvonventional morality.

Charity Pot
     One product in particular single handily proves that Lush Cosmetics 
upholds postconventional morality: "Charity Pot." Charity Pot is more than just a lotion, it's a symbol of Lush's generosity and the genuine concern for the world that we all share. Charity Pot began in October of 2007 for organizations they deemed worthy and other projects. Every purchase of Charity Pot goes directly to grassroots organizations; 100%. Lush not only gives these organizations all of their profits off of their Charity Pot, they also display their logos on Charity Pots to spread the word of their hard work. Lush has over 100 Charity Pot partners, and projects, that they donate to as well as directly help by volunteering their own Lush employees. The charitable organizations they have partnered with cover a wide variety of issues such as animal, environmental, and humanitarian causes. This is extremely selfless of Lush Cosmetics and demonstrates their outstanding compassion as a company, seeing as they are willing to sacrifice all profits on a popular product in order to help the world.
      Lush has made great strides not only in the world of cosmetics, but also in the worlds of animal rights and environmentalism, and humanitarianism. Lush sacrifices profits by buying only from companies that don't test on animals, customers by scaring them away with gritty performance art and not being able to open store locations in countries that require animal testing for cosmetics, and limits their product development by eliminating the use of animal fat in their products all in hopes to end animal testing completely. Lush has also made great strides to make little or no packaging necessary for their products despite the fact it can discourage customers. Lastly, Lush donates all of its profits from Charity Pot in order to help grassroots organizations which is truly noble. It is because of all these selfless acts of Lush that it is clear that they uphold postconventional morality and their ethics are of the highest standards. Lush is truly a great company who's ethics not only inspire other companies, but we as individuals ourselves. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Ch. 2 - Strategic Planning for Competitive Advantage

     When operating an organization, one must obviously have a strategic plan in order to survive the cut-throat world of business. When planning, the managerial staff must be conscientious of the organization's objectives and resources as well as evolving market opportunities, to ensure the organization grows and makes a profit in the long run. In this post, I will analyze Lush Cosmetics' strategic plan, but first it is crucial to perform a SWOT analysis in order to predict the success of Lush Cosmetics' plan...

     Strengths: Lush Cosmetics is a very powerful, influential brand that has tons of loyal customers around the world. Lush's stance against animal testing and use of organic ingredients sets the brand apart from more generic cosmetic companies. Lush creates their own fragrances to incorporate into only their own products (meaning these scents aren't available elsewhere). Lush involves itself in a multitude of charities which promotes a benevolent image that attracts consumers. The company focuses on customer satisfaction and relationship marketing which creates an abundance of faithful customers. Lastly, Lush locations are always in wealthy areas which helps promote its imperial status.

     Weaknesses: Despite Lush Cosmetics being very successful, it could still use a bit of improvement.The current circumstances makes Lush a bit inaccessible for some people- for instance, some of the high end products are not affordable by the lower class. Also, there are only around 670 store locations in only 44 countries which makes it difficult for many consumers to get to the actual stores. Another weakness is the fact that because their products are so fresh, many have expiration dates which can discourage customers. Lastly, the most hindering weakness is their absence of a marketing department. However, it can be argued that Lush doesn't need a marketing department since they rely on satisfied customers to bring in potential buyers. It is because of Lush's extraordinary success that one can't help, but wonder how much more business Lush would get if they were to implement a marketing department.

     Opportunities: The world is becoming more and more progressive by each day; the consumers want organic products that are politically and environmentally conscious.  It is because of this that Lush Cosmetics has the opportunity to push their innovative products and eventually dominate the cosmetic industry. Also, with Valentines day coming up, they could use that to their advantage in order to bring in more profit.

     Threats: One of Lush Cosmetics' biggest threats is the possibility that consumers will choose conventional over responsible products. For example, consumers might choose MAC Cosmetics over Lush because of its mainstream appeal and their makeup being easier to use than Lush's. Another threat is The Body Shop. The Body Shop basically has the same mission statement as Lush Cosmetics and also has a huge fan base. If The Body Shop were to create new innovative products that made Lush's obsolete, it'd be extremely detrimental to the profitability of Lush.

     Lush Cosmetics, being the innovative company that it is, likes to expand its horizons and always tries infiltrate new markets as seen last year when Lush had launched its brand new line of liquid eyeliners, cream eyeshadows, and liquid lipsticks (something they have never done before) called "Emotional Brilliance." In 2011, Lush released a line called "Toothy Tabs," a plastic tube free alternative to regular toothpaste. The fact that Lush is even dabbling in the dental care industry makes it apparent that Lush Cosmetics utilizes Ansoff's strategic opportunity matrix: a strategic marketing method that matches products with markets.

     There are four different options firms may explore when emulating Ansoff's strategic opportunity matrix: market penetration, market development, product development, and diversification.

1) Market Penetration: is a marketing strategy in which the firm tries to increase market share among already existing customers. They may do this by trying to show their products in a different light and trying to get
customers to use your product in a way they might not have thought of before.

2) Market Development: is a marketing strategy that tries to attract new customers to already existing products.

3) Product Development: is a marketing strategy in which the firm creates new products for already existing markets. This is usually done by listening to consumers' evaluation of your product and using their evaluations to help improve your product.

4) Diversification: a strategy used to increase sales by launching new products into new markets.

     Lush Cosmetics may lack a marketing department, but they circulate a catalog entitled "Lush Times" in which they list all of the existing products and highlight new ones as well as give certain news and messages to their readers (mostly recurring customers). In Lush Cosmetics last issue of Lush Times, the writers exhibit knowledge of the Ansoff strategic matrix by using the market penetration technique. Lush encourages their customers to make a new hair resolution for the new year and post pictures of the products you buy (for your hair resolution) on a social media site called Instagram. I believe this is an ingenious marketing strategy because it will definitely encourage the recurring Lush customers, eager to buy as much Lush as they can, to purchase products they haven't tried before or to stock up on an old favorite which will increase profits from their hair care lines. Also, I believe it's a great idea because Lush relies on its customers to spread the word about its brand; encouraging customers to post about Lush on social media sites is bound to bring in new customers as well as the old ones.
     As said previously in the post, Lush doesn't have a marketing department and thus must find other ways to attract customers. Lush has practiced market development recently since Lush has opened 10 more stores in Northern America like Boston, Indiana, New Mexico, and more and are planning to open even more store locations in the near future. It is because Lush created stores in locations previously unexplored before, they are gaining a lot, a lot, a lot of new customers and they will profit off of the same old products just because of their new locations. This will definitely increase Lush's profits, but it will also strengthen their company seeing as not having many store locations and accessibility has been identified as one of Lush's weaknesses. Every new store Lush builds is another step towards conquering the cosmetic world.
The Ex-Factor
The Ex-Factor Bath Bomb

Sexy Fun Times
Sexy Fun Times Gift Set
     Lush Cosmetics has taken advantage of this year's upcoming Valentines Day. Valentine's Day is a day where many will take a bath/shower with their significant other or they will take a bath or shower alone and cry. Lush has developed new products (product development) hat will aid both consumer's needs. One new product is "The Ex-Factor" bath bomb which is obviously targeted to single (and spiteful) girls who will be spending Valentine's Day alone. The product description on is "who knew vengence could smell so sweet? Drop our little vanilla an ylang ylang man into your tub and delight in watching his limbs disolve." This is a great route for product development seeing as they were able to create such a unique bath bomb that targets a whole different group of consumers even though they already have a vast number of strikingly different bath bombs. Also, new to Lush are three brand new gifts for Valentine's Day; "Sexy Fun Times," "Be Mine," and "Heart of Gold." Lush Cosmetics made a smart move developing three
Heart Of Gold
Heart of Gold Gift Set
Be Mine
Be Mine Gift Set

new gifts for the upcoming holiday not only because it's a unique alternative from the cliched chocolate and roses, but also because of the prices. The most inexpensive option one has when choosing between gifts for their significant other is the Sexy Fun Times gift set priced at $26.95. As you may have noticed already, the Sexy Fun Times gift is pink with red hearts on it, both colors and symbols associated with femininity. This means that all the boyfriends looking to buy their girlfriends a present will choose Sexy Fun Times out of the three gifts mainly because of the packaging targeting women and partly because it's the cheapest. Most men don't place a high value on bath products and sometime skin care, so making the cheapest gift target men/boyfriends was a genius idea when developing new gifts.

Lush Color Wheel

     In Lush, there hasn't been much diversification this year, however Lush Cosmetics made a bold step last year into the world of makeup with their Emotional Brilliance line. The Emotional Brilliance line is composed of a wide selection of liquid lipsticks, cream eyeshadows, and liquid eyeliners. The concept behind the line is to reject colors that are "in" during the current season and instead wear colors that suit your mood and mindset. A year later and they still have color wheels in all of their stores in order to do "color readings" for their customers. If you seem to be interested in the Emotional Brilliance products, a Lush employee will happily perform a one-on-one color reading for you to find three colors that best describe you (also there's fog, who doesn't like fog?). I actually attended the launch party in the New York, Union Square location where many fellow consumers were skeptical about buying face makeup from Lush seeing as this was Lush's first time branching out into the face makeup market. Lush obviously expected this but dismissed everyone's worries with color readings and delicious vegan cookies. I wasn't interested in buying Emotional Brilliance, however they encouraged me to get a color reading as well and because they focus so much time on each customer, I felt kind of bad not buying it because the employees invested so much time into me and made me feel extremely welcomed. Keeping the color wheel in all store locations to this day is a great way of banishing all of new customers' doubts. Even though Lush Cosmetics took a risk and ventured out into a new market, Lush evidently knows how to utilize their relationship marketing skills (and baking skills) to lure in old and new customers.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Ch. 1 - Overview of Marketing (Brief History and Mission Statement)

     There are few stories of success that are as quirky and unique as Lush Cosmetics'. The England based company best known for it's innovative vegetarian and vegan bath products such as Body Butters, bath bombs, soaps, etc. made of natural ingredients and without being tested on animals is rich in history despite it being fairly new. Although the company officially started in 1995, it took co-founders Liz Weir and Mark Constantine over 20 years to establish the worldwide phenomenon known as Lush. It may have taken a considerably long time to get things going, however judging by the Lush Cosmetics of today, it is simply because they had so many ideas, but had yet found a way to sting their ideas into a cohesive order. In the end, Lush's success was achieved kind of by chance (but it can highly be credited to the co-founders' sheer love of  bath products and innovative vision).
     Liz Weir, a beauty therapist, and Mark Constantine, a trichologist were fated to meet in a beauty salon in 1977. The two quickly befriended each other and when their five-year contracts were to be renewed, Constantine wished to embark on his own cosmetic related adventure. Liz reluctantly joined him and together they created the "Herbal Hair and Beauty Clinic." Liz stated that despite their products being innovative and authentic, they for some reason didn't have enough commercial value in order to make a profit. In fact, Liz even joked about them almost starving because of the lack of customers. Little did hungry Liz and Mark know, that they'd eventually become the worldwide success known as Lush today.
Aaron Samuels is also a fan of Lush.
     There business was at a standstill until they had contacted Anita Roddick; founder of The Body Shop. Mark and Liz sought her out seeing as she shared a similar vision of animal and environmentally friendly body products. This lead to a mutually beneficial relationship between the two companies in which Constantine and Weir supplied The Body Shop with many extraordinary products and Roddick giving them the opportunity to expand; seeing as they they needed to hire more staff in order to meet demands. It also gave them the opportunity to test their creative limits which lead them to creating phenomenal products such as Body Butters, Herbal Hair Colors, a Honey Beeswax cleanser, and a Peppermint Foot Lotion (Aaron Samuels approves). Despite the exponential success of the partnership between the two companies, the alliance eventually ended in 1984 due to The Body Shop becoming uncomfortable that the majority of their products were owned by another company.
     The dynamic duo of Constantine and Weir used the millions they made from the team up with The Body Shop to create a new type of cosmetic experience called Cosmetics To Go (CTG) in 1987. The CTG was a new way of consumers to purchase cosmetics. Instead of having to walk to the store to purchase cosmetics (when they probably don't even want to leave their houses if they ran out of cosmetics), the customers would order the cosmetics from a catalogue. The creators of Lush recall it as being "a pleasure, but also very complicated;" and it was complicated, indeed. At first, it seemed that success was inevitable seeing how when their first catalogue was distributed, the products were sold out after two days. The response was so astounding, Weir and Constantine had to hire staff to work through the mail orders overnight. The overwhelming reaction to CTG caused the switchboard for taking telephone orders crashed because there were too many callers. Then, as if Constantine and Weir hadn't suffered enough, the computer system crashed. Many of their customers had to wait weeks till they received their orders.
     The next catalogue came out around Christmas, however the disaster before discouraged many of the former customers as they thought they wouldn't get their gifts in time for Christmas. CTG ended up not getting enough orders and CTG was put into administration since the little company showed potential. The creators of the CTG tried to raise money for a management buy out, but the company was sold to Jeff Brown. He not only took the valuable formulas with him, but also the brand name! The team was forced to find other jobs in order to keep their store and factory.
Banana Moon
(One of the new quirky soaps.)
     In 1995, the team started making soaps using fresh ingredients like fruit and spices and shaping them with items like pipe cleaners, cat litter trays, and window planters. These new products were very quirky, but brilliant. The fact that the masterminds behind what is today known as Lush Cosmetics were able to make such extraordinary products using such unconventional methods proves that Weir and Constantine were truly a innovational force.
     Soon enough, it was time for another try. The team finally reopened their shop in Poole, England. Initially, the team was apprehensive due to the large amount of job loss in the area. In spite of the job loss, customers were drawn to the store because the team had been extremely genial to the people of Poole in the past. According to the Lush website, "many people came in, gave them a hug, and said 'Here is £10 What do you want me to buy?/" Originally, they team dubbed their company "Cosmetic House." Later, dissatisfied with their title, they created a competition for customers to re-title the company. An Elizabeth Bennet came up with "Lush." The creators believed that the name was perfect seeing as "lush" is defined green, verdant, and drunken women.
My Fair Lady Gift.
     With the help of a new investor, Lush was able to open a new store in London. It was a tiny store, but it was featured in the classic film "My Fair Lady" which is obviously where Lush drew their inspiration to create their "My Fair Lady" gift. New investors' interest were peaked due to the current success of Lush. This allowed them to create a new store location in Kings Road London. This was their first large store and thus they were worried that the investment wouldn't work out. To their surprise, the outcome was polarized; the store was triumphant. Soon, Lush was full of customers, celebrities, and people wishing to bring Lush to their own countries. Subsequently, Lush now has over 650 stores and several factories in over 40 countries.

     In 2007, Lush began to talk more about it's ethos and had since made strides not only in the cosmetic industry, but also in the animal and environmentally conscious worlds. It has since been Lush's mission statement to create effective bath and skin products from organic fruit and vegetables, essential oils, and only the safest synthetics. They also strive to maintain a strong moral stance against animal testing, unethical sourcing, and unethical buying. Lastly, it is their hope to inspire other companies who are consumed with money and greed to follow their environmentally conscious footsteps.