Lush Cosmetic's Brand Name |
Lush Cosmetics is a highly successful brand. Lush existed before 1995 under many different incarnations, however in 1995, when the company now known as "Lush" was dissatisfied with its current brand name, "Cosmetic House," they held a competition for their customers to submit potential titles for their brand name. The selected title was obviously "Lush." This event not only eternalized the famous brand name, it also signified the overall branding of the company (the edge that differentiates them from the competitors), their outstanding customer service/relationship selling which stems from the company's concept of relationship marketing. The brand name being decided by a customer shows Lush Cosmetic's regard and value for their customers, which is what Lush's brand is all about. It is because of Lush's branding that many Lush customers develop a sense of brand loyalty. These Lush fanatics, also known as "Lushies," will consistently choose Lush Cosmetic products over competitor's. This is undoubtedly because Lush's entire brand is dedicated to their customers. Lush's branding is also dedicated to the advocacy for animals rights as well as other humanitarian issues. This brand also creates brand loyalty to their target market that consists of animal activists, vegetarians, and vegans.
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